Here is a step by step description on how the tutorial mod was ported. As a reference you can find the 1.19 source of the tutorial here.
Starting Steps
First start with this guide to do the initial steps on your working 1.18.2 mod auto refactor guide. After that many renames will already have been done for you.
Do the following changes to build.gradle.
After making this changes you need to refresh gradle and run the genIntellijRuns
First visit The Forge Download Site to see what the latest version of Forge is. Then change the minecraft dependency to that version.
For example:
minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:1.19.2-42.0.1'
Also, you want to set the correct mappings. Check The Parchment Wiki to find the latest version.
As of this moment there are no parchment mappings for 1.19, so we use official mappings instead:
mappings channel: 'official', version: "1.19.2"
We also want to get JEI. Consult The JEI wiki for more information.
As of this writing we use this:
// compile against the JEI API but do not include it at runtime
compileOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-1.19.1-common-api:${jei_version}")
compileOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-1.19.1-forge-api:${jei_version}")
// at runtime, use the full JEI jar for Forge
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-1.19.1-forge:${jei_version}")
In gradle.properties
we then set this:
Finally, we want to include The One Probe. Check here to find what the latest version is [The TOP Maven](https://maven.k-4u.nl/mcjty/theoneprobe/theoneprobe/.
implementation fg.deobf(project.dependencies.create("mcjty.theoneprobe:theoneprobe:${top_version}") {
transitive = false
And again in gradle.properties
we put this:
The Porting Tutorial Video
Various bits of information to help with porting
This is not a complete list. The information in the list below contains everything that was discovered during the porting of the RFTools mods and the tutorial
This is the commit where the 1.18.2 tutorial was ported to 1.19.2. It's complete and can be used as a reference as well.
Various Renames
Before starting to actually port you should follow this guide to do a lot of renames for you.
- In many places World has been replaced with Level. For example, it's now
- Similarly, many
instance members have been replaced withlevel
. Especially in Forge events - Containers are now called MenuTypes. For example
is nowForgeRegistries.MENU_TYPES
is now calledForgeRegistries.BLOCK_ENTITY_TYPES
is now calledForgeRegistries.ENTITY_TYPES
has becomeRenderGuiOverlayEvent
and thegetType()
is replaced bygetOverlay()
. You can find the vanilla overlays inVanillaGuiOverlay
- Block Properties:
Various things should now be defined in JSON. Like for the ores you can use JSON files in worldgen/configured_feature
and worldgen/placed_feature
See the tutorial GitHub for examples.
Various Removals
is gone.You can simply remove it. It is no longer needed
has gone and is replaced by the RegisterKeyMappingsEvent
event that you have to subscribe to the mod bus.
The getRegistryName()
function is gone now. To get the ResourceLocation
from an object you can do these:
ResourceLocation rl = ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getKey(item);
ResourceLocation rl = ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS.getKey(block);
ResourceLocation rl = ForgeRegistries.FLUIDS.getKey(fluid);
ResourceLocation rl = level.registryAccess().registryOrThrow(Registry.BIOME_REGISTRY).getKey(biome);
Note how it is different for biomes.
The reason for that is that biomes can be specified fully in JSON.
And when that happens there will be no entry for this biome in the forge registry.
The method using registryAccess()
is the safest way to get the key for a biome.
The same is true for other objects that can be added dynamically to the game using JSON only (structures, dimensions, ...)
Note that if you have a RegistryObject
then an easier way to get the registry name is to use registryobject.getId()
Text Component changes
You can no longer do things like new TranslatableComponent()
, new TextComponent()
, or new KeybindComponent()
Instead, you have to do things like:
Fluid API changes
There have been extensive changes to fluids. Here is a guide
is gone and replaced withIClientFluidTypeExtensions.of(fluid)
for render attributes andfluid.getFluidType()
for other settings- When making a custom fluid the
method is gone. Instead, you have to create (and register) a newFluidType
and also make aIClientFluidTypeExtensions
anonymous subclass for client side attributes. See the fluid guide.
Data Generators
Data generation has changed.
has an extra boolean parameter.
For a server-side datagenerator you pass event.includeServer()
and for a client-side datagenerator you pass event.includeClient()
The 'if' can be removed:
public static void gatherData(GatherDataEvent event) {
DataGenerator generator = event.getGenerator();
generator.addProvider(event.includeServer(), new Recipes(generator));
generator.addProvider(event.includeServer(), new LootTables(generator));
BlockTags blockTags = new BlockTags(generator, event.getExistingFileHelper());
generator.addProvider(event.includeServer(), blockTags);
generator.addProvider(event.includeServer(), new ItemTags(generator, blockTags, event.getExistingFileHelper()));
generator.addProvider(event.includeClient(), new BlockStates(generator, event.getExistingFileHelper()));
generator.addProvider(event.includeClient(), new Items(generator, event.getExistingFileHelper()));
For the loot table provider the HashCache
parameter has changed to CachedOutput
and DataProvider.save()
is now DataProvider.saveStable()
Random vs RandomSource
In various places (like worldgen but also in block ticking) Mojang is now using RandomSource
instead of Random
In addition, tickable sounds now have an extra RandomSource
parameter in their constructor.
Chat messages
has now become player.sendSystemMessage()
and the UUID
parameter has been removed.
Biome Loading Event vs BiomeDecorators
See this guide for more information on Biome Decorators.
is gone. You can now do (most/all) stuff with JSON Biome Modifiers.
Example of a biome decorator (place in data/<modid>/forge/biome_modifier
"type": "forge:add_features",
"biomes": "#minecraft:is_overworld",
"features": "deepresonance:resonating_overworld",
"step": "underground_ores"
Structures now extend Structure and need a codec for persistence.
The codec has to be registered on the Registry.STRUCTURE_TYPE_REGISTRY
vanilla registry (you can use DeferredRegister
for this):
private static final DeferredRegister<StructureType<?>> STRUCTURES = DeferredRegister.create(Registry.STRUCTURE_TYPE_REGISTRY, MODID);
public static void init() {
IEventBus bus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();
public static final RegistryObject<StructureType<?>> PORTAL = STRUCTURES.register("portal", () -> typeConvert(PortalStructure.CODEC));
// Helper method to register since compiler will complain about typing otherwise
private static <S extends Structure> StructureType<S> typeConvert(Codec<S> codec) {
return () -> codec;
When making CraftingContainer
instances (if you want to craft a recipe in code) you also need to implement quickMoveStack()
Just return ItemStack.EMPTY
Gui Overlays
has been replaced with IGuiOverlay
and you have to register your overlays in the RegisterGuiOverlaysEvent
event like this:
public static void onRegisterOverlays(RegisterGuiOverlaysEvent event) {
event.registerAbove(VanillaGuiOverlay.HOTBAR.id(), "mana_overlay", ManaOverlay.HUD_MANA);
Render Types
Although the old way still works it is deprecated, and you should move your render type setting to the block model.
This can also be done with datagen.
Basically ItemBlockRenderTypes.setRenderLayer()
is now deprecated.
Instead, make a model like this:
"parent": "deepresonance:block/crystal",
"render_type": "minecraft:translucent",
"textures": {
"crystal_texture": "deepresonance:block/empty_crystal",
"particle": "deepresonance:block/empty_crystal"
Baked Models
There have been a lot of render related changes. To get some idea of this you can look at this Notion site. Here is a summary:
has been replaced with QuadBakingVertexConsumer
You use it as follows:
BakedQuad[] quad = new BakedQuad[1];
QuadBakingVertexConsumer builder = new QuadBakingVertexConsumer(q -> quad[0] = q);
builder.setDirection(Direction.getNearest(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z));
RenderHelper.putVertex(builder, normal, v1.x, v1.y, v1.z, 0, 0, sprite, r, g, b, a);
RenderHelper.putVertex(builder, normal, v2.x, v2.y, v2.z, 0, 16, sprite, r, g, b, a);
RenderHelper.putVertex(builder, normal, v3.x, v3.y, v3.z, 16, 16, sprite, r, g, b, a);
RenderHelper.putVertex(builder, normal, v4.x, v4.y, v4.z, 16, 0, sprite, r, g, b, a);
return quad[0];
And building a vertex has also changed. Here is an example:
public static void putVertex(VertexConsumer builder, Position normal, double x, double y, double z, float u, float v, TextureAtlasSprite sprite, float r, float g, float b, float a) {
float iu = sprite.getU(u);
float iv = sprite.getV(v);
.vertex(x, y, z)
.uv(iu, iv)
.uv2(0, 0)
.color(r, g, b, a)
.normal((float)normal.x(), (float)normal.y(), (float)normal.z())
Also for baked models the model data system has slightly changed.
Instead of ModelDataManager.requestModelDataRefresh(this)
you now do requestModelDataUpdate()
Also instead of:
public IModelData getModelData() {
return new ModelDataMap.Builder().withInitial(...).build();
you do:
public IModelData getModelData() {
return ModelData.builder().with(...).build();